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Heavy Vehicle Inspection

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    Importance of having regular heavy vehicle inspections

    A heavy vehicle is a motor vehicle or trailer with a gross vehicle mass greater than 4.5 tonnes. There are specific registration requirements for heavy vehicles in NSW. Heavy vehicle inspections are required to establish registration for vehicles not currently registered in NSW, renew registration, adjust vehicle records and clear defect notices.

    As a heavy vehicle operator, it is essential to ensure that your vehicle is always well-maintained and roadworthy. Before you look for a cheap green slip quote, check if you need to register or renew your registration for your heavy vehicle. To register your heavy vehicle in NSW, you must pass an inspection.

    Your heavy vehicle will need an inspection: 

    • It isn’t registered in NSW
    • Needs to establish registration
    • Needs to renew your registration
    • Needs to clear a defect notice

    Get ready for an inspection

    To prepare for your heavy vehicle inspection, you must take note of the points below to ensure that everything is ready and that you do not miss anything to avoid any delays.

    1. Have the correct licence to drive that particular type of vehicle
    2. Ensure that all brakes are operating correctly
    3. Ensure that all brakes are free of leaks
    4. Ensure air reservoirs are drained and can be readily operated
    5. Have tyres that are at least 1.5 mm of tread
    6. Have tyres that are free of deep cuts
    7. Ensure steering and suspension components are in good condition
    8. Ensure worn bushes, bearings and joints are properly secured
    9. Have lights properly operated
    10. Have clear windscreens free from cracks and scratches that impair vision

    Inspection services examine every truck element, including its interior and exterior, and report damage, worn parts, malfunctions, and other imperfections. All truck inspection services are conducted by friendly and experienced staff who are fully licensed and accredited. The staff should be qualified and experienced in hydraulics and pneumatics and trained diesel mechanics, giving you peace of mind regarding your final decision.

    A heavy vehicle will only succeed if it meets the required vehicle standards during inspection.

    If the heavy vehicle fails the inspection, a defect notice will be issued, including a time frame for clearing the defects. An Infringement Notice may also be issued for presenting a defective vehicle for inspection.

    An HVIS inspection must be performed within three months before the registration expires. Bookings can be made up to 12 months in advance. Inspection bookings must be for a specific vehicle, and the related vehicle number plate must be provided.

    What do we mean by vehicle inspection before use?

    A vehicle inspection or circle check is a physical and visual inspection of the vehicle before you use it. Reporting issues helps ensure your vehicle is safe to drive. The vehicle manual or manufacturer’s guide can help customise the inspection.

    The vehicle inspection process is an inseparable part of vehicle insurance. A vehicle needs to be inspected for several reasons. It might’ve been in an accident, and the carrier needs to assess the damage, or it might’ve almost totalled, and the insurer needs to decide whether it needs to be salvaged. Vehicle inspection is also required before leasing out cars to expose any hidden damages and establish the actual ‘health’ of the vehicle.

    Some inspectors use a binary, broken/not broken checklist to assess a heavy vehicle’s damage, while others can use a graded percentage rating. Inspectors will check for cracks, scratches, dents, fitting and durability problems. Throughout the inspection process, heavy vehicle inspectors carefully note down the details. It is highly advised that, along with notes, the inspector takes pictures from different angles so there’s visual evidence.

    What are the main purposes of a heavy vehicle inspection?

    Owners of heavy vehicles used for work are responsible for inspecting them before they’re driven. The main purpose of inspections is to ensure the vehicle is:

    • Properly equipped
    • Correctly set up for the driving, road, and weather conditions
    • Safely operated
    • Free of mechanical defects

    These will help drivers avoid a crash or being stranded at the side of the road. Inspections help the driver focus on the task ahead, reducing the risk for everyone.

    Regulations also require vehicle owners to maintain inspection records. If the person doing the inspection works for a company, it is recommended that they submit their reports to their supervisor or manager.

    Other drivers expect your vehicles to be road-worthy. Cyclists and pedestrians expect your wipers to work so they can be seen and establish eye contact with you at a crosswalk.

    If any deficiencies are found that could make the vehicle unsafe or hazardous, a supervisor needs to be notified immediately. Any issues need to be fixed before the vehicle is used for work. Many maintenance items need to be completed by a qualified technician with specialised training and tools.

    If an organisation or individual needs a technician on staff, it’s worth investing time to find a reliable technician. A technician who becomes familiar with a vehicle and how it’s used can provide proactive tips and service. That can save time and money and help extend the vehicle’s life.

    Your certificate of registration will tell you where your heavy vehicle needs to be inspected. Check the ‘Conditions’ section for details specific to your vehicle. If your heavy vehicle can’t be inspected at an HVAIS, It must be inspected at a Roads and Maritime Heavy Vehicle Inspection Scheme (HVIS) location.

    Sometimes, deficiencies are found during maintenance work. If they could make the vehicle unsafe, they need to be reported to the employer or supervisor immediately and repaired before the vehicle can be used. 

    If you need a heavy vehicle inspection, Electrworx’s team is ready and willing. With decades of combined experience, we can ensure your heavy vehicle is road-ready without the hassle or stress of lengthy delays.

    Contact us to know more.


    1300 824 692